Influence & Impact for
Female Leaders 

A podcast from Carla Miller

Ep 144 - Finding focus when youā€™re overwhelmed with Julia Wolfendale

Sep 18, 2023

See this podcast on my new website at


Is Autumn already feeling a bit overwhelming as everything kicks into action after the summer?  If so then this is the episode you need right now.

My guest Julia Wolfendale and I discuss the strategies she shares in her book ‘Five Ways to Focus’.  We talk about:

  • How you can find focus when you need it most
  • How to handle distractions
  • Julia’s top ways to get organised
  • How to effectively prioritise and delegate


Julia has kindly shared her calming visualisation which you can access along with a Five Ways to Focus worksheetand a life audit here.


My upcoming courses

Find out about October’s Be Bolder course here.

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Ep 143 - How to challenge upwards without damaging your career

Sep 04, 2023


There are these unspoken rules about the world of work that most of us buy into without questioning.  One of those rules is that we don’t say no to our line manager or disagree with senior stakeholders.  As a result, people end up frustrated, overworked and demotivated because they’ve never learnt how to challenge the thinking of senior stakeholders without challenging their authority.  They’ve never learnt how to speak truth to power.

In this episode of the Influence & Impact for Female Leaders podcast, I will be sharing 9 practical strategies to help you to disagree with someone in authority without negatively impacting your career or your relationship.  Whether you are dealing with your line manager, senior management team or your board you will find practical insights you can use to learn how to challenge in a constructive and career building way.



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Ep 142 - Increasing your gravitas

Aug 21, 2023


This week’s episode of the Influence & Impact podcast for female leaders is all about gravitas.  What is it?  What do we need it for?  And how do we have gravitas when we need it most?

Gravitas used to be a requirement for leadership, back in the days when leadership was about telling others what to do.  It is defined as dignity, seriousness or being solemn of manner. 

Leadership has evolved since then and women no longer need to act like old men in grey suits to be taken seriously as leaders.  However, there are times when we have to deliver serious news or address a room full of people who intimidate us and gravitas helps with that.  In this episode, I’m sharing some tools you can use in those situations.

Find out about Be Bolder here.

Find out about Influence & Impact here.



We partner with you to:

  • Develop your women leaders and prepare them to advance within the organisation
  • Build...
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Ep 141 - 6 practical strategies to tackle perfectionism

Aug 07, 2023


This is part two of my series on perfectionism and overworking and in this episode I share with you 6 practical strategies you can start using today to help you become successful without breaking yourself in the process.

If you want to adopt a more sustainable and enjoyable way of working yet still get great results this episode is for you.

I share:

  • How you can be a high achiever without being a perfectionist
  • Why perfectionism is not actually the reason you are successful
  • Something surprising about your imperfections that could change how you feel about yourself

Get in touch about 1:1 coaching at

Find out about Be Bolder here.

Find out about Influence & Impact at



We partner with you to:

  • Develop your women leaders and prepare them to advance within the organisation
  • Build women’s confidence - particularly your early and mid career level...
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Ep 140 - Is perfectionism holding you back?

Jul 24, 2023


For years I thought that I was doing well in my career because I worked so hard and held myself to such high standards.  Then I realised that those strategies were actually causing as much harm as they were good.  I coach a lot of high achieving women, at all levels and perfectionism in its various guises, crops up all the time.  Often it looks like overworking, trying to be in control of everything in your life, procrastinating and fear of failure. 

In this episode I’d like to help you to identify and reflect on any unhealthy thought or work patterns you may have around perfectionism so that you can stop holding yourself to such impossibly high standards.

Find out about Be Bolder.

Find out about Influence & Impact at



We partner with you to:

  • Develop your women leaders and prepare them to advance within the organisation
  • Build women’s confidence -...
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Ep 139 - How to be more inclusive with Catherine Garrod

Jul 10, 2023


We all want to be inclusive but we don’t always know exactly how to embed that into our teams and our everyday activities.  My guest Catherine Garrod tackles exactly that in her book ‘Conscious Inclusion: How to ‘do’ EDI one decision at time’ and in this episode we discuss some really practical ways to be more inclusive.

You’ll learn:

  • How you can encourage respectful disagreement (and why you’ll want to)
  • A great model for gathering feedback in a meeting
  • How building in inclusion reminders will help you get better at your job
  • How important it is to ‘resize’ a role for part time work and the best way to approach that

About Catherine:

Catherine Garrod is the founder of Compelling Culture and works with organisations to determine whether people from underrepresented groups are having the same good experience as people from overrepresented groups. Then she defines specific actions to boost the experience for colleagues,...

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Ep 138 - A simple shift that makes it easier to navigate internal politics

Jun 26, 2023


I remember a period of time when I felt a lot of frustration at work.  Frustrated with decisions being made, with an obstructive colleague I had to work with and with my inability to influence change.  It turns out I was not alone.  A recent report from Gallup shared that 19% of Brits feel angry frequently at work and 38% report feeling stressed a lot of the time.

In this week’s episode I share one simple shift I made that makes it easier to navigate internal politics.

So if you’d like to become a better leader and get people to listen to you then have a listen to this short solo episode.

WANT TO BECOME A BETTER INFLUENCER?  Learn more about our Influence for Success workshop here.

LOOKING TO BECOME AN INFLUENTIAL LEADER? Our next cohort of Influence & Impact, a 3 month women’s leadership development programme starts in September.  Find our more here.


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Ep 137 - Stepping up into a Director role with Gabi Field

Jun 12, 2023

If you’re thinking about moving into a Director role or are new in your Director role this straight taking conversation will give you some insights to prepare you. I talk to listener Gabi Field about her experience stepping up to Director level in an interim capacity and what she learnt from it.  We discuss…

  • How you know you’re ready to step up to Director level
  • How imposter feelings crop up as you step out of your comfort zone
  • How you learn to think at an organisation-wide level
  • How Gabi handled leading her former peers
  • What Gabi wishes she’d known before stepping up

Other episodes you may find helpful:

Ep 60 From Specialist to Generalist -

Ep 41 - What I wish I'd known about managing -

Ep 37 - How to start a new job well...

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Ep 136 - Becoming more resilient with Lara Cullen

May 29, 2023


How do you react under extreme stress?  Do you find yourself over-functioning or under-functioning?  This is just one of the areas I explore with author and coach Lara Cullen on our episode on resilience this week.  We also discuss…

  • Lara’s definition of resilience and why we both hate the term ‘mental toughness’
  • The qualities of resilient people
  • How you can use energy, mindset and strategies to become more resilient
  • How understanding resilience can make us better leaders

Lara’s Bio:

Lara Cullen is a sought-after executive coach, trainer, author and founder. After a successful 15 year career in HR and leadership working with global brands across a number of industries, she decided to spread her wings and do things her own way. She founded the People Person Ltd a boutique personal development and coaching consultancy based in London with the sole aim of helping more people be happier, healthier and more successful doing what they...

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Ep 135 - The confidence crisis impacting girls with Laura Sercombe

May 15, 2023


I spend a lot of time coaching women around confidence, giving them tools to build their confidence and shining a light on the role gender bias plays in making us doubt ourselves.  But confidence issues often start a long time before women enter the workplace and the pressure that girls face today thanks to social media is huge.

In this episode I interview Laura Sercombe, the inspiring CEO of GFS (Girl’s Friendly Society), a charity that works with girls to inspire and empower them to live their best lives.  This year my business has been making a donation to fund a girl to attend one of GFS’s confidence building sessions for every participant in our open Be Bolder courses, so it was great to explore this topic with Laura.

We talked about why there is a need for the work GFS does, what’s causing girls as young as 6 to struggle with their confidence and the importance of positive role models and safe spaces where girls can be themselves.


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